RAD Cast Outdoors Podcast Episode 85: Flaming Gorge Fishing Trip with Patrick Edwards for Lake Trout
Patrick Edwards tells of his 3 generation fishing trip with his dad and son to Flaming Gorge Reservoir in southeast Wyoming. Patrick has been fishing Flaming Gorge Reservoir for over 20 years and sheds insight on how to fish for lake trout. He also details taking his son, Ben, on his first every "big boy" trip. Patrick has a tradition of going on a big annual fishing trip with his dad that they've shared for 23 years and this was the first time Ben was invited along. Patrick and David share ideas on how to prepare for taking an 8 year old on their first big trip and some things to make it a success.
This episode of RAD Cast Outdoors Podcast is sponsored by PK Lures, Hi Mountain Seasonings, and Bow Spider. Please go visit our sponsors and thank them for sponsoring RAD Cast Outdoors by giving them your business.
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